Summary: Set during WWI, a young woman finds herself thinking
about the past, and about the death of her parents.
Rating: G
Background: This was a writing assignment in eight grade,
and I just happened to love how it turned out. It's short, and the assignment was to write a fictional story revolving around
a few objects we were given in a box. I was given a fabric heart, and golden locket, a postcard, and an old photo. They're
all in the story.
* * *
Summary: Working in a hostipal during World War One was not
a task any normal woman could undertake. Katherine relays her troubles and fears in a letter to her friend, Marie.
Rating: PG (war related things and mentions of suicide)
Background: Another school assignment, this one in tenth grade.
It was a timed write of one hour. The assignment was to put yourself in the position of a German nurse during WWI and describe
what it was like. Characters from All Quiet on the Western Front had to be in it.
* * *
Summary: An essay on the power and role of female pirates
during the golden age of piracy, around 1700. Discusses the resraints of an 18th century English society, and the effect it
held on women at sea.
Rating: G (It's an essay, what else could I rate
it? R?)
Background: Yet another assignment during tenth
grade, in fact this was our huge year long project. Complete with presentation and costume. We got to choose our own topics,
and it made writing this really fun. Besides... it earned me the best grade in the whole damn class.
* * *
Summary: A revolutionary idea of how to dispell the homelss
Rating: G
Background: Tenth grade. Again. Yes, I wrote a lot that year;
I blame my psycho teachers. But this was medelled on Jonathon Swift's Modest Proposal, which invoved eating the babies of
Ireland to help control the ever-growing population.
* * *
Summary: An essay on the many themes present in Ray Bradbury's
Fahrenheit 451.
Rating: G
Background: This one was eighth grade. This was the second best
book we read that year, after Tangerine ( I just like the part where the brother spray paints the other kid's
eyeballs...). I got a really good grade on this, if I remember correctly...