
Hey all! I'm hilary. I'm 16 and I'm from
Toronto, but unfortunately live in Seattle. And believe me, the stories are not entirely fabricated; it rains 24/7 here. I
was born in Toronto, and miss Canada dearly. For some reason, Canada always seemed much more friendly. And Intelligent. I
moved to California when I was nine, then moved here two years ago. Thrilling, eh?
I, like many others I'm sure, got into writing fanfictin because of Ebon'ys Call
of the Caribbean. Yes, we are all hugely in debt to her and her beautiful stories. Anyways, ( I tend to digress quite
a bit, as I'm sure you'll notice in this long-winded bio ) I just jumped right in. After a few years of reading fanfiction,
I finally wrote my own. I guess you could say I finally had suitable motivation. *eyes Jack Sparrow poster* Oh yes, very
suitable motivation... So that's how I got into this whole cult. Yes, in a few years I'll be ritualistically sacrificing
virgins. Damn, I'm digressing again. *facepalm* This means it's time to list my favourites.
Book: Holy Fools by Joanne Harris
Author: Joanne Harris
Movie: Say Anything and Benny & Joon, with Pirates
of the Caribbean following closely. ( others include Bubble Boy, Donnie Darko, Seabiscuit, i am sam, Shaun of the
Dead, Phantom of the Opera, Forrest Gump, The Breakfast Club, Moulin Rouge, Napoleon Dynamite, Lovely and Amazing, October
Sky )
Actor: Johnny Depp ( others include Colin Farrell, Tobey MacGuire,
Jake Gyllenhaal, Dustin Hoffman, Sean Penn, John Cusack, and Paul Newman )
Actress: Emma Thompson and Natalie Portman ( others include
Julia Roberts, Joan Cusack, Kiera Knightley, and Kirsten Dunst )
All Around Person: Tim Burton, Jon Stewart, my cousin Nell, my
theatre family, and my other cousins Paige and Olivia
Songs of the Moment: "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon5, "Dies Irae"
by Mozart, "Coronation Mass" by Mozart, "Daughters" by John Mayer, "One Thing" by Finger Eleven, "Lost in Control" by Ozono,
"Forrest Gump Suite" from the Forrest Gump Soundtrack, "Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane, "Iris" by The GooGoo Dolls. Mst
importantly: All of the Phantom of the Opera Soundtrack and the Wicked soundtrack.
Bands: Maroon5, U2, John Mayer, Mozart, Great Big Sea, Elton John,
Jimmy Eat World, Jason Mraz, The New Pornographers, Ozono, Keane, Green Day, Eminem, and various others.
TV Show: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart or The
West Wing
Fanfiction Authoresses: Ebony, MaryGoneMad, ChaptainCheesehead,
Nicole297, Becca, FireValkyrie, and MrsPitt ( no particular order )
Let's see... I really despise people who chew loudly, or breathe heavily through
their noses when they eat. That's my number one pet peeve, don't ask why. But it makes me want to scream and cry. Honestly.
I also go crazy if I'm sitting behind a car whose turn signal flashes so goddamn fast that I feel I'm going into an epileptic
fit. It makes me so angry, and then I drive all crazy. People not signaling at all, people who tap thier pencils while I'm
taking a test, and people who just don't get the most simple things really irk me, as well. I'm such an easily annoyed person,
that I would hate to know me. I must be tedious. Oh, and I despise menstruation. But who doesn't?
As I'm sure most of you have inferred this far, I have no life whatsoever outside
of working, going to school, doing theatre, and writing. Ergo, I always love to hear from anyone. Questions, comments, responses...
naything really. I'm an email whore and sign up for stupid newsletters from places like The Basket People: Gift Baskets
& Hampers simply to have an email in my inbox. *dorkified* So please, for the love of all that is holy in this world,
email me!
I'm sure all of this information has just been a delight, and that everything
on here you were dying to know, and so I am glad to have helped. That's what I'm here for! ;)

