
~ fanfic hive ~ Ebony's site, archiving all of her fiction.
Chambers by the Sea MaryGoneMad's site, archiving all of her fiction.
Charisma's Loft MrsPitt's site, archiving all of her fiction.
I Would Have Succeeded Too Nicole's site, archiving all of her fiction.
Pura Vida Bree's site, archiving her fiction, and it also has a bunch of cool music and such.
FanFiction The old site that I used to archive my stories at; turned assholes on us when they outlawed You-fiction.
nFiction Another fanfiction site that may still allow You-fiction, and also allows all ratings.
Writer's Resources Very useful information about the time period and everything you need to know about pirates.
Opportune Moment A site created mostly by Ebony, archiving only You-fiction. Full of awesome stories and amazing authors. My fanfiction can be found here.
Opportune Moment Review Board Reviews and message boards for the stories on Opportune Moment.
But Why's The Rum Gone? A wonderful Jack/Johnny info site, with pictures and quotes and whatnot.
Something So Cliche MaryGoneMad's LiveJournal.
Breaking The Cage Katla_Asriel's LiveJournal.
I Would Have Succeeded Nicole's LiveJournal.
A Rogue Pirate My LiveJournal.
Depp Impact A really good site with news and screencaps from every one of his movies.
Oh Johnny Another great site with even more screen caps.
Pirates of the Caribbean Script A full-length script of the movie.
Pirates of the Caribbean The official movie site.