

In a perfect world, I would hold all the rights to Jack Sparrow and Johnny Depp, and Disney could fall off the face of the earth for all I care. Jack would be my love slave, remaining in my bed, while Johnny waited in my shower. However, the world we live in is not perfect, and, sadly, Disney has yet to disappear forever. Ergo, I have legal obligations to fulfill.
The Many Faces of Jack Sparrow: Parts I & II
     I do not own Jack Sparrow, the Black Pearl, Barbosa, William Turner, Elizabeth Swann and other such characters. Neither do I entirely own Gabriele, since she is based partially on Perette in Holy Fools by Joanne Harris. All original characters are mine however.
A Clandestine Life
     I do not own Jack Sparrow or the Black Pearl. Neither do I own the underlying idea of your character, which was based vaguely on the Alanna series by Tamora Pierce. However, in this story, Jack Sparrow and his ship are the only things I pulled from the movie. In Jack's past, none of the cused business has ever happened, nor does he know any of his former crewmates and "bedmates."
Thank God.
(And if you steal my story and claim it as yours, I will Canada-kick your bum. Stealing is bad. Crediting is fine. Stealing is bad.)